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Wow Xp Lock Removed From Normal Bg Queue Again

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  1. lovell

    lovell New Member

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    how practise i que bg now subsequently they fixed the problems where you could turn xp off right bg entering the bg? i don't want to ding
  2. Light

    Lite vet

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    make a level 20
    lock his EXP
    gear him as you please
    unlock his EXP
    stop your WoW game time subscription
    Yous now can queue with your EXP on and volition non level past 20
  3. jcochran

    jcochran Member

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    You take a couple of choices.
    one. Discover plenty young man twinks to participate then y'all can all queue while XPOFF and get the queue to popular in a reasonable amount of fourth dimension. This might be rather hard since it seems that the bulk of twinks aren't interested in off-white or competitive PvP.
    two. Become to level 20 and let your subscription expire.
    iii. Perform an exploit where you block the IP addresses of your capital just after you plough off your XP like you did prior to the issues fix. Just if y'all're detected doing this, you're quite probable to get your account banned.

    But I doubtable that you're asking the wrong question. The real question you want an answer to is "How can I have an unfair advantage over other people in battle grounds?"

    • Funny Funny ten 1
  4. Light

    Light vet

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    this was a actually gas response to op question
  5. You can always just gear a pure f2p too

    Vet or f2p you lot rly have no choice unless you play 110s

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  6. Chops

    Chops Soccer Dad Moderator

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  7. Hopefully at that place will be another legit choice before long, if PTR turns to work out well for queuing, but thats just the best case scenario where we if we can actually use stuff of that level and what not.
  8. Donor

    Donor XPOff-topic Bro

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    so nice of u to record a gif of urself 4 this meme
    jk bro
    f2p <3
  9. Merlin

    Merlin Veteran

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    only to check .. does a lvl20 with all the bis gear outperforms a lvl29 who has about BIS gear ?

    since the bg oneclickmacro been removed, i have been playing bg from lvl12 to lvl59 using green BOEs, and creating new toons whenever my one-time ones reached 59, and the cycle only repeats, each fourth dimension i create a grade, i volition create 4 of them, the reason why four is it is easier to gear when they are in their 60s upwardly needing dungeon/raid runs, i usually open a 5th character to run these 4s at higher lvl ie. lx and upwards .. the gears i used from lvl12-59 are a full set of green boes with the max versa stats on them (sometimes blueish, depending on lvl and availability, i moved approx 3 full gild banks of BOEs per month back to my realm so i have more than gears than the toons i created) changing them approximately every iii lvls, eg. lvl12-13, lvl15-xvi, lvl18-xix, with total max enchants (including shoulder and pants) and elix/pvp pot/nutrient .. whenever i reached lvl20-29 bracket, i dont find myself likewise inferior to the vets, the problem is, i have not encounter enemy twinks that run around alone then i deceit really know how big a unequal is between my kind of gearing and a typical vet, when i confront a twink he volition ALWAYS attempt to run back to his team of vets, i have no idea why the 20-29 twinks similar to do that, i think that seems like a pretty standard play manner .. sometimes when an enemy team has many vets and my losing squad has none, my direct kills and dmg can still exist right at the top (which i apply equally a approximate to see whether the green BOEs are viable alternative or how to practise any improvement on it) .. still exploring if this will be my permanent way to circumvent the xpoff problem .. i love 1 or 2 shotting players and i establish this method works really well, specially in the 10-xix bracket, and so far i have completed nearly 4 groups (virtually 15 toons) and they are all at lvl70 now, running heroic dungeons .. the drawback will be, the number of toons will keep increasing, correct now i demand to proceed in mind to leave a bg just earlier information technology ends, to tedious down the rate at which i am lvling up

    i am not interested in the new IP method to enter bg with freezed xp .. and then that pick is out for me

  10. Chops

    Chops Soccer Dad Moderator

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    Thats alot to reply to but, in short, by the fourth dimension you hitting level 24/25 youre looking at an average ilvl over most vets and when yous hit 26, all your BG crate gear will be as good equally/amend than all our epics. And so by the time you hit 29, you lot should be over geared compared to 20s.

    That said, your gear wont really be optimized the way a 20s is and BG scaling volition put the states on decent ground with you. You should, in theory, out perform a vet. Only thats not a guarantee that you lot will.

    nigh vets are objective minded. If you want duels, go to Goldshire/durotar
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  11. Light

    Lite vet

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    @Merlin would you be interested in doing the same thing your doing simply on my account? I hate leveling
  12. Merlin

    Merlin Veteran

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    dont think of information technology as lvling, its really like playing a twink, just that your lvl moves up (which can exist controlled, i am trying to learn how to) lolol .. so far, you lot actually can go that "feel" of twink power .. in that location are no more than twinks in x-19, and if you lot practise this, yous seriously is a game changer in the entire bg .. nothing much to say about 20-29 cos of the f2p and vets, and the higher up yous go its less like shooting fish in a barrel to 1 shot people, since some of them alternate between bg and dungeon and dungeon purse gives up to date gears, just i say most 80% of players even college up 30-49 are pretty desperately geared, so if you lot are a hunter .. chances are you have all the fun

    all these green BOEs are cheap in high pop realms, they tin can easily be under 10g, but searching for the model that has the max versa is the challenge

  13. I used to do this in MoP - You lot don't actually need to accept such a rigorous method of keeping gear up to engagement to feel that 'twink power' simply it does help.

    Fifty-fifty enchanting your looms and working with the bg crate gear, enchanting as you lot get will requite yous that satisfaction.

    I practise recommend having some gear for level x however so when you start your campaign y'all're not waiting for eight wins before you fill your gear out.

    Earlier my sub ran out I jumped on an old toon I gave up levelling, slapped some enchants on him and it was easily destroying bgs with top impairment, not especially difficult to kill healers and having a boom. This was with a feral too at level 70 ish with no actual twink gear...

  14. Ashlander

    Ashlander Member

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    By the way, what is the best spec+class+race for 1shots? At present I'thousand playing Destro Warlock D.I.Dwarf.
    Kinda magical rocket launcher, tin can practise stable 1700HP instakills, only requires a lot of timing and hasn't got mobility at all.
  15. Merlin

    Merlin Veteran

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    i started getting all the stuff from even lvl7 .. and then after a few toons, i decided subsequently all my toons will play at lvl12 .. instead of lvl10, a hunter has no ability at lvl10 .. the aim shot comes in only at lvl12 .. but i havent try out other classes yet, its been too long ago to remember resto druid or resto shaman'southward motility, or disc, need to refresh, but correct now i am so happy with mm hunters lolol
    --- Double Postal service Merged, Aug 8, 2019 , Original Mail Appointment: Aug viii, 2019 ---
    we cannot really i shot anybody .. you know in 10-19 .. so many players come up in without bracer glove chugalug and boots and many doesnt fifty-fifty take heirloom rings .. these are the kind you guarantee 1 shot, cos an aim shot sometimes does 700 dmg or higher when crit, and i found that at over 700 crit it requires aid of saltwater potion, if you meet someone with 800 or 900 health .. you cant one shot him, i havent one shot anyone with 800 or 900 wellness yet .. need ii aim shot or more with crit to bring him down .. so far i have done about 11 hunters using this way
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  16. Ashlander

    Ashlander Member

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  17. Merlin

    Merlin Veteran

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    i detect the intel users are the best and easiest to gear if you are going by this method .. the AH are total of intel gears and rings too, many many green boe rings thats intel with max versa, but its and then hard to detect agil with versa .. i have collected many gears for intel class too, but havent got the mood to play one all the same .. mm hunters' aim shot is a little too much, yous dont see any other class who halves (or cease him off) an enemy'due south wellness with 1 shot .. also to notation .. i realise, at the very last few exp before you become lvl20, quit the bg you are in .. and after the punishment 15 mins, become all your lvl20 gears ready .. enter a new bg, very soon you ding xx, but yous are in a 10-19 bracket .. your rapid shot is going to be a pain in the ass for many players lolol
  18. Newaccount

    Newaccount Member

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    This method isn't really gonna stop you from dinging, simply it will delay the inevitable. If you take a sub and really wanna play on a toon, you can arrive a party with a guy xp turned off, meet a dungeon with them so leave group. Y'all should accept a xp debuff. If you don't, try again. The debuff refreshes every time y'all gainsay in an instance (bg and dungeon), so yous tin queue xpon while chilling in a dungeon refreshing the debuff. This should let yous get a agglomeration of games in, but it isn't forever sadly. If ur debuff e'er runs out, rage quit immediately.

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